Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bruce Medici ,the real one, speaks up.

Bruce Medici here.
Yep..the real one.
Why am I blogging at all? The answer is simply that several false sites and or old blogs exist.
The false one(s) do NOT acuratly portray me or my views at all.
The one main blog I am truly upset by is the Myspace one.
This one uses a bad old picture of me with false information .I did not have anything to do with it.
This issue has troubled me greatly for a very long time now and i will speak on it.
I was never on Myspace .I do not use it and never have.
Also,incorrect moral issues and would be Christian posts were made there I had nothing to do with.Ditto.
Whoever did it will see this I hope and get real..this is me.
The other one that was myself was a Christian one I do not recall the name of.
During that time,I was managed by Paul Bolton.
I was being signed to a recording deal that wanted full Christian rock/folk music from me.
I had done gospel but my main love is and always will be Blues/Rock music and Jazz.
I was in the process of recording some demos that got out by my former management and I did not approve of the music but I did do it.(Old saying,never put anything out that you may regret)
I wish nothing to do with this stuff,nor any comments I made then.
They do not reflect me or my views.
If one has to sell out to the powers that be, they should never be dishonest ones at all.
Needless to say,I did not go through with the contract and got away from a situation that was morbid and dangerouse to my name.Meaning I refused to put out what they wanted and went back to my usual music wich has been released.(not under my real name).I am a band now.
In closing,reverbnation was also used and has been defunct a long time now.
Due to a completely insulting person who will remain nameless in ottoland,I sent a special picture there for the amusement of such insulters.
I have spent the last few years not only growing up a lot ,but also having a familly and learning what it takes to be a good dad and father in general,a good husband and take care of what means most to me.Family.
Now I am recording again.
I have been playing music since 1968 as a small child( I am 52 now) and am a pro,refusing to budge into anything I did not like going out,other than that one two year period of greif and bad management.
This should clear up any misunderstandings about me or defamation of my character.
The stuff I have read people post on the sites I see is rediculouse,often making them seem intolerant or just plain disgusting.
I do not like that nor will i ever be on twitter  talking of my moods or anywhere else.
In other words,if you see it,it is not me. Not knocking what others do,I just prefer no press!!! period .Music speaks leaps and bounds!

I have nothing more to say on this matter other than all the best to all of the people who have stood by me the last years of my so called hibernation-I have not been hibernating at all,familly life means much more than a package deal or a gift of glamour -it is not a game.
It is rewarding hard work that has paid off more than any band I was in.
Now I shall be back on to better things musically.
Thank you for your time.
May the magick of music bring you where you need to be!
Bruce medici-2014